By David Caltabiano | 3TV, CBS 5

SCOTTSDALE, AZ (3TV/CBS 5) — A Scottsdale couple said “I do” in the digital world. Till death do us part? Not so much in cyberspace. It was a historic marriage in the metaverse.
“Today, we feel honored to have this wonderful couple,” said Jordan Rose, founder of Rose Law Group. A Friday wedding in Old Town Scottsdale, but the venue is a little different, and not because it was held at a law office.
“We’ve always been innovative,” said Rose. It’s because the wedding is out of this world, literally where the only cold feet is from a lack of tech experience. “The bride and groom are not used to walking down the aisle on decentraland.”
Ryan and Candice Hurley renewed their vows in the metaverse, their perfect venue, crafted by Rose Law Group. About 2,000 people attended, most of whom they didn’t know. They all got party gifts, even an NFT of their dog, Pepper.