‘Uncertify the election’? The embarrassment of Senate President Karen Fann is now complete

Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Opinion: Senate President Karen Fann now suggests the 2020 election will be ‘uncertifiable’ if Attorney General Mark Brnovich verifies the results of her audit. Never mind that no fraud was found.

By Laurie Roberts | Arizona Republic

Senate President Karen Fann recently said during an election integrity conference that the 2020 election is ‘uncertifiable,’ even though her own auditors found fraud.

Senate President Karen Fann continues the exercise in embarrassment that has become her legacy.

The Prescott Republican recently told a reporter for The Undercurrent, a progressive political website, that Attorney General Mark Brnovich will have to go to court to try to overturn the results of the 2020 election if he concludes the audit was correct.

Say what?

This is, no doubt, news to her ninja auditors, who despite months of looking found no evidence of fraud in the election. 

It’s likely news to Brnovich who recently issued an interim report that that found “serious vulnerabilities” in Arizona’s election system but no actual fraud.

Beyond the nine cases – out of 3.4 million votes – that he already was prosecuting, that is.

‘The election is uncertifiable,’ Fann said

Yet there was Fann at a recent “election integrity” conference, embracing the crazy and fanning the flames of an imagined conspiracy.

“I believe that as long as he (Brnovich) verifies our information it has to go to court because it’s not now just about was it fraudulent or not,” she told The Undercurrent’s Lauren Windsor. “It’s the fact that he now verified that all of our information we gave him is correct and therefore the election is uncertifiable because we don’t know who won and we need to have a new election.”

We don’t know who won, Sen. Fann? 

The ninjas’ own hand count of paper ballots found that Biden won the election – a point that, once upon a time, Fann acknowledged.

But that was long, long ago, when the president of the Arizona Senate dealt in facts, not phony conspiracy theories.

Manipulated by Trump? Or one of them all along?

It’s bad enough that this once-respected conservative shredded her reputation by hiring an inexperienced Trump groupie to conduct what she had the nerve to call an “unbiased” audit of Maricopa County’s election. (If you want to know what a leader looks like, see her House counterpart, Speaker Rusty Bowers, who just said no to Trump and his conspiracy crew.)

Bad enough that Fann doesn’t seem to know that there is no legal mechanism to undo an election that already has been duly certified according to the laws of the land.

Bad enough that she doesn’t even seem to realize her own audit found no evidence of fraud.

Now I’ve got to wonder if she’s just being manipulated by Trump and the Senate’s conspiracy crew or if she was one of them all along.


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