Stephen Deubel is constructing this sustainable modular home out of shipping containers in the town of Williams near Flagstaff. Via High Tech Container Homes
By Elias Weiss | Phoenix New Times
Property owners, developers, and even media personalities are thinking outside, ahem, inside the box, and transforming metro Phoenix into a prominent hub for container homes.
This year, Phoenix has seen the tallest container tower in North America debut downtown and a container apartment complex break ground in Apache Junction. From Washington Street to the West Valley, there are plenty more containers coming.
These tiny homes are made from modified and repurposed shipping containers that otherwise could’ve wound up rusting away in a landfill. Stack and weld the containers together, and voilà, you’ve got yourself new digs at a huge discount.
Zillow estimates the average traditional house in Phoenix costs $427,586. The average container home, meanwhile, costs between $10,000 and $35,000, according to
The low price is why one local resident decided to build five of them on his three-acre property in Cave Creek.
You can often find Joe “Bronz” Perez singing gulf and western music at one of the many casinos in metro Phoenix. But these days, you may also find him inside a shipping container.
When Perez first stepped onto his Cave Creek property last year, it was “like going back to the wagon days,” he said. Instantly, he knew it was the perfect spot for a quaint container compound that he dubbed “Bronz Canyon.”