By YourValley
Queen Creek’s first, and much anticipated, Costco is set to open in late January.
“The store’s shell is done but there have been some supply chain issues to deal with, specifically the ‘switchgear,’ which is what drives all the lighting, refrigeration and basically anything electrical inside a 150,000-square-foot retail big box,” said Queen Creek Vice Mayor Jeff Brown.
Electrical switchgear refers to a centralized collection of circuit breakers, fuses and switches (circuit protection devices) that function to protect, control and isolate electrical equipment. The circuit protection devices are mounted in metal structures. A collection of one or more of these structures is called a switchgear line-up or assembly.
Brown added that the Costco’s fuel islands will likely open on or around Jan. 5.
“Did you know that our Costco QC location will have 32 spots to fuel as opposed to 16 spots at most of the other area locations,” Brown said.