A conversation with Caputi & Janik at Scottsdale City Council

By Terrance Thornton | Digital Free Press

The Arizona Digital Free Press reached out to members of Scottsdale City Council to understand what the elected leaders of the beloved Phoenix enclave are thinking, what they thought of this past calendar year, where they think they may have fell short and what they want to accomplish in the New Year.

This story focuses on the thoughts of two female leaders: Scottsdale Councilwoman Tammy Caputi and her colleague Councilwoman Betty Janik.

For Councilwoman Tammy Caputi her focus is on municipal finances, she says.

“My thoughts on 2023 are firmly grounded in our finances,” she said. “This may not be the flashiest topic, but it’s the most important one to our residents. I believe first and foremost in a balanced budget and low taxes.”

With local and national economic minds predicting some level of recession in the first fiscal quarters of the New Year, Councilwoman Caputi says she is paying attention.
“Financial experts are predicting continued high inflation, high interest rates, low unemployment with many jobs unfilled, and a ‘shallow’ recession going into 2023,” she told the Scottsdale Daily Beat.

“The city of Scottsdale is well aware of these predictions. Anticipating continuing economic uncertainty in the next few years, the council updated our comprehensive financial policies, which included increasing our General Fund cash reserves to 25%.”


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