New Republican lawmaker crashes party’s plans for quick budget approval at Capitol

Rep. Liz Harris, R-Chandler, slammed the brakes on the so-called “continuation” budget || Gage Skidmore

By Mary Jo Pitzl || Arizona Republic

Republican plans to quickly pass a budget and use it to bait Gov. Katie Hobbs into issuing her first veto stalled Monday. The unexpected road block came from a freshman Republican, who sided with Democrats to vote down the measure.

Rep. Liz Harris, R-Chandler, slammed the brakes on the so-called “continuation” budget, named as such because it essentially continues the current spending plan.

The Republicans have a one-vote majority in the House, so any dissent can sideline the majority’s plans.

The failure to muster a unified GOP vote on the budget package is a setback for House leaders, at least temporarily, who want to enact a budget that Republicans say would avoid a government shutdown if they hit an impasse with Hobbs later this year. Hobbs has threatened to veto the budget saying it doesn’t address “real challenges.”

The state Senate last week approved the budget plan.

Harris declined to comment on her vote, which ground budget work to a halt Monday.


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