Scottsdale DRB to consider MF near Cavasson

Photo Courtesy of KTGY Architecture + Planning/City of Scottsdale

By Roland Murphy | AZBEX

The Dinerstein Companies has submitted a request for design plan approval for Legacy North Apartments at Crossroads—a 443-unit apartment and townhome development at Legacy Blvd. and Miller Road—to the Scottsdale Development Review Board.

The 20.5-acre, R-5-zoned site was purchased in an Arizona Land Department auction in March by real estate investor Michael Lieb’s Legacy 76, LLC. A news report at the time said the buyer planned to partner with The Dinerstein Companies on a multifamily development for the site.

At 443 units, the site has a planned density of 23 units/acre. Although the development is comparatively large for Scottsdale in terms of unit count, it remains below the 25 unit/acre recommended maximum set forth in the Scottsdale General Plan 2035 approved by voters in November 2021. General Plan 2035 lists “High Density” as “generally more than eight and up to twenty-five dwelling units to an acre of land.” Anything greater falls under the heading “Highest Density.” No location in the city is assigned for Highest Density, and the term exists only in the document’s glossary.


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