State considers using effluent water credits

Industrial wastewater

Camryn Sanchez 

Arizona Capitol Times

The Arizona Water Banking Authority is exploring the possibility of buying purified wastewater to distribute later – which would be unprecedented.

At the AWBA commission’s meeting on Sept. 13, new bank manager Rebecca Bernat asked whether she should look into the possibility of the bank using effluent water credits.

Until 2019, AWBA has only used excess Colorado River water long-term storage credits. That’s for the Central Arizona Project water stored in aquifers. Users can get the water later during a potential shortage by pumping it back out.

Now, there isn’t any excess CAP water left.

“It’s a different source for the bank,” Eric Braun, Gilbert water resources manager, said of the effluent storage. He was appointed to the commission by former Gov. Doug Ducey and said he supports the effluent water idea. “There’s no more longer use CAP entitlement water for the bank to purchase. … As the supply of those credits decreases, they’re looking for new alternatives.”

The Central Arizona Project is the only type of water the bank deals in now. The CAP canal system transports water across the Valley and not just any type of water can be added to it – which is one of a few challenges AWBA could face with effluent water.


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