Photo via Habitat for Humanity
(Disclosure: Rose Law Group represents Habitat for Humanity.)
By Brent Ruffner | Your Valley
U.S. Navy Veteran Brian Wallace got a welcome surprise a few days ahead Veterans Day.
Crews from Habitat for Humanity are expected to paint his double-wide mobile home on Nov. 8 in Phoenix. The group previously repaired his roof after the man reached out to Veterans Affairs Hospital in Phoenix about six months ago.
Wallace, 71, a Phoenix resident, is on a fixed income, is legally blind and had a stroke about five years ago. He was a cook in the U.S. Navy and served for 20 years — from 1973 to 1993.
A Habitat Humanity crew found out his roof was in disrepair and had been leaking inside in “multiple areas” for more than a year. He initially asked the group for a paint job on his mobile home. He estimated the work could have cost him upwards of $25,000 to fix it.