(Disclosure: Rose Law Group represents Habitat for Humanity)
By 12 News
Amid a housing crisis in Arizona, a single mom and her daughters received the news of a gift of a new home to help ease their burden.
Sandra Cervantes and her daughters currently live in a townhome in Central Phoenix. The single mom works more than 50 hours a week.
“We actually went to look at, like, different townhouses and by central area really expensive, like $2,500 just for, like a three-bedroom townhouse and still no backyard,” Cervantes said.
A few months ago Cervantes applied for Habitat for Humanity’s Home Ownership program.
“My friend, she actually has a house with Habitat housing, and she kept saying, like, ‘Go – go, apply for the house – apply for the house.’,” Cervantes said. “And I was kind of like, we’re kind of thinking, Oh, we probably wouldn’t, you know, get approved anyways.”
Friday, she found out she was approved for the home.