What’s intended to be festive might not be.
By Phil Riske | Senior Reporter/Writer
There are a couple of Thanksgivings for which I was not thankful.
One of those was when Thanksgiving Day traditionally featured an NFL game. I can’t remember whom the Detroit Lions were playing that day, but it was one of the first games where TV used those dish-shaped sideline microphones, also prior to use of the seven-second delay.
My gramma looked at me in horror.
Another occasion was when my dad’s football coaching staff and wives were guests at our house for Thanksgiving dinner.
We were all set to eat, and my mom noticed she’d forgotten napkins. My half-sister, who was learning to read compound words, got up, went into the bathroom, brought out a package of . . . sanitary napkins. . . and placed it on the table.
Imagine my parents’ horror.
This reporter wishes you all a non-embarrassing Thanksgiving.