By Melissa Rosequist | YourValley
Scottsdale’s fight to have flight paths to and from Sky Harbor International Airport reevaluated has come to a disappointing close after several years of legal battle.
On June 24, the United States Court of Appeals for the district of Columbia dismissed Scottsdale’s petition for lack of standing.
Scottsdale petitioned for review of the FAA’s decision to approve certain east-bound flight paths out of Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, claiming the FAA did not adequately consider the environmental and historical-resource consequences of those flight paths.
“But we cannot reach the merits of those claims because Scottsdale has not established that it has standing to bring its petition,” the court opinion filed by Circuit Judge Justin R. Walker.
Walker was one of three judges the case was before; the other two are circuit judge Robert L. Wilkins and Senior Circuit Judge A. Raymond Randolph.