(Courtesy of Buckeye)
By Frank Espinoza | YourValley
The Buckeye Planning and Zoning Commission approved a site plan approval for a new commercial shopping center and gas station for the Miller and Broadway commercial center on Tuesday.
The proposed area is 152,281-square-foot shopping plaza consisting of a Fry’s grocery store and fuel station, three in-line shops, and three pads for future development all on 18.11 net acres at the southeast corner of Miller and Broadway roads.
Jennifer Fostino, planner for the city, presented the plan submitted by Forestar Real Estate Group for site plan approval of the shopping center with eight structures.
According to the site plan, the grocery anchor and fuel station will be constructed in a single phase that would include the center’s infrastructure and landscaping.
The grocery anchor is 123,000 square feet, the fuel canopy is 6,880 square feet with nine fuel pumps, and the fuel kiosk is 174 square feet.