The Daily Courier
The Town Council Thursday will consider extending council terms to comply with a new state law that consolidates municipal elections with state and federal elections.
That means council members elected or re-elected in 2011 would not have to face re-election until 2016 instead of 2015. Marty Grossman, elected for a two-year seat in May, would see his term extended to 2016 as well.
Council members elected this year will not face re-election until 2018.
The resolution and ordinance will be before the council to comply with a new state law that changes municipal elections to take place during the fall of even-numbered years. The new law goes into effect Jan. 1, 2014. The state Legislature this year adopted Senate Bill 1454, which gave direction to municipalities on how to adjust council terms and expenditure limitation (home rule) elections, which have taken place every four odd-numbered years.