Planning ‘paradise’ — 23,000 acres to allocate
By Shelley Gillespie
In workshops and surveys conducted over multiple years, when residents were asked why they chose Pinal County as their home, the majority of people designated “open spaces” as their primary reason. People love “being able to see for miles, have cleaner air, and greater recreational opportunities.”
With that focus, the Parks, Trails, Open Space, and Public Lands Committee of the Pinal Partnership (a private-public partnership) established four groups around the county to provide a mechanism for citizen input.
For purposes of this project, a grant was filed and received so that the National Park Service’s (NPS) Rivers, Trails Conservation Assistance Program would assign a staff member to assist the volunteers in holding meetings and reaching recommendations. Cate Bradley, the assigned NPS staff member, serves as a neutral facilitator to the many parties involved with divergent opinions about how the land might be used.
What is the opportunity?
Surprise to hold open house on General Plan/The Arizona Republic / Surprise officials head to D.C. to lobby for transit