The Arizona Republic
(Editor’s note: Opinion pieces are posted only for purposes of discussion.)
To say that Gov. Jan Brewer is a surprising co-conspirator with Arizona Public Service Co. in a plan to tax the rooftop-solar industry is an understatement (“Don’t leave energy policy to wand-waving,” Editorial, June 8).
Upon taking office, Brewer announced her intention to make Arizona the “solar capital of the world.” In 2009, she signed legislation that paved the way for the state’s massive solar-industry growth by ensuring that solar panels did not increase property taxes.
Five years later, she claims that, as this state’s chief executive, she is powerless to prevent her own Department of Revenue from undoing that legislation and imposing property taxes on rooftop-solar systems.
Let’s hope that the governor who famously wagged her finger in the face of President Obama; who stood up to the Legislature on SB 1062; and who bucked hysterical liberal outcry in her steadfast support for SB 1070, can muster the strength to ask that the bureaucrat down the hall enforce the law she signed.
Please, Governor, do not allow a desperate monopoly or an errant department to turn the Republican Party into the party of more taxes in an election year. In the name of good government, protect one of your signature achievements.
— Court Rich,
The writer is with the Alliance for Solar Choice.