Phoenix’s transportation system will see a new investment on Jan. 1, 2016, when the voter-approved citywide Transportation 2050 (T2050) plan takes effect.
The T2050 plan entails the expansion of transit services and street improvements. The comprehensive plan includes 42 miles of new light rail, expanded bus and Dial-A-Ride service and repaving of nearly 680 miles of major arterial streets. Passed by voters in August of 2015, the plan was developed through more than 100 meetings and feedback from over 3,700 residents.
The Citizens Transportation Commission, created to provide oversight and feedback on transportation projects in the plan, first met in early December and will meet again on Jan. 7 and 28, 2016 to discuss how to put the plan to work.
Improving Phoenix’s streets is also a key element of the plan. Maintenance for current arterial streets, funding for new roads and bridges, and creation of more than 1,000 miles of new bike lanes, and installation of 2,000 new streetlights and 135 miles of sidewalks are all enhancements identified in the plan.