From the Rose Law Group Growlery
By Phil Riske | Senior Reporter/Writer
After George Zimmerman failed in two tries to auction the gun he used in 2012 to fatally shoot an unarmed black 17-year-old, he succeeded with an auction that brought a high bid of $138,900 from “John Smith.”
The shooter of Trayvon Martin had the cooperation of United Gun Group’s Website, where saboteurs earlier drove up prices to $66 million.
In his listing, Zimmerman pimped the weapon, a Kel-Tec PF-9, as “an American firearm icon.”
Then you, Mr. Zimmerman, are the icon of a shameless loose cannon. He who hath no shame (readers, please finish the sentence.) Also, United Gun Group is hereby cited as an icon of immorality, and if there really is someone who purchased the death weapon, that person should destroy the pistol in a live telecast on CNN.
Zimmerman claims proceeds from the auction would be used “in part” to fight violence against law enforcement officers by members of Black Lives Matter.
And if you believe that, I’ve got some prime land in Scottsdale I’ll sell you for $1/acre.
Meanwhile, Trayvon Martin is still dead.