Economic development to focus growth in other areas of city
By Darrell Jackson | Glendale Star
After two years of work trying to ensure the success of the downtown area with a major plan for changing the economic vision for the area, which included the possible elimination of the city’s major holiday events, City Manager Kevin Phelps announced his recommendation for the future of those events.
“We will continue to propose funding for the events, but we will not be increasing our funding level,” Phelps said. “We will not make any changes and we expect the 2019-20 events season to look the same as the 2018-19 season.”
City manager recommendations
In a letter sent to Glendale City Council Nov. 2, Phelps pointed out that part of his job has been working on improving the success of business in the downtown area and trying to bring visitors downtown.
“While we have made significant progress on many of the council’s initial priorities, there is still much to be done,” Phelps said in the memo. “In June, I informed council that I was preparing to roll out a new economic development strategy focused on energizing our struggling downtown.”