Coolidge council spars over vice mayor selection procedure

The appointment process for the position of vice mayor, with Jacque Hendrie-Henry, right, eventually selected, sparked some debate among members of council Monday evening, including from Steve Hudson, left. Mayor Jon Thompson, center, said they can re-consider the procedure at a later date./ Rofida Khairalla/ PinalCentral 



By Rofida Khairalla | Pinal Central

Although council appointed a member to serve as vice mayor for the next two years, the selection process left one council member pushing for change.

During Monday’s Coolidge City Council meeting, Councilwoman Jacque Hendrie-Henry was re-appointed to serve in the position of vice mayor for a third time.

Henry was initially appointed to serve in the position in 2014, and then re-appointed in 2016. Now, she will go on to serve as the Vice Mayor for another two years.


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