By Phil Riske | Senior Reporter/Writer
Probably to your relief, the Rose Law Group Reporter sent that crabby old Grammar Cop on a two-year sabbatical.
Well he’s baaaaack!
With a quiz.
Just in the past couple of months, he spotted numerous grammatical slip-ups and wonders how you would do in a right-wrong quiz, which in itself could be to educate America how it’s abusing the Mother Tongue.
Pick the correct sentence from the following:
The media are going bonkers over street protests and COVID-19.
The media is going bonkers over street protests and COVID-19.
Police cite a plethora of curfew violations.
Police cite plethora curfew violations.
Those cited expressed myriad reasons for being out after 8.
Those cited expressed a myriad of reasons for being out after 8.
Whom should you call if you think you might have the virus?
Who should you call if you think you might have the virus?
Whatever is allowed by law is the rule.
Whatever is permitted by law is the rule.
Looting, like what happened in Scottsdale brought about a statewide curfew.
Looting, such as what happened in Scottsdale brought about a statewide curfew.
Data from the health department shows an increase in hospitalizations.
Data from the health department show an increase in hospitalizations.
More than 1,000 Arizonans have died from COVID-19.
Over 1,000 Arizonans have died from COVID-19
Governors maintain that rioting serves no purpose.
Governors maintain rioting serves no purpose.
Property damage may increase by the millions
Property damage might increase by the millions
Police are seeking input as to how they can improve their image.
Police are seeking information as to how they can improve their image.
You’re welcome to submit your answers in the Comments box at the end of this article.