By: Daniel Benson; Belfiore Real Estate Consulting
According to public record (click here to view affidavit 1, affidavit 2), Toll Brothers closed on 10 finished lots within the Terrasina gated community, specifically located just north of the northeast corner of 132nd Street and Via Linda in North Scottsdale. Toll acquired nine lots from MK Company Southwest LLC (M. Keith Holben; President) and the additional tenth lot from the M. Keith Holben Revocable Trust. The deals closed November 20, 2014 for a combined purchase price of $3,600,000 ($360k per lot). The lots range in size from just over half an acre to 1.4 acres with an average size of just over ¾ of an acre. The subdivision is already partially built out with three existing homes ranging in size from 5,689 – 6,551 square feet.