Christian coalition supports rooftop solar in fight with utilities

At the Christian Coalition, we believe that America needs to develop its own energy resources, for the sake of national security and economic health. Right now, the United States sends about a billion dollars a day to other countries to pay for what former President George W. Bush called our “addiction to oil.” Much of that money goes to countries that do not share our values. Some of the money goes to regimes that we would consider our enemies. There is evidence some of it ends up in the pockets of terrorists, and even funding our troops’ opponents on the battlefield.

Now is the time to break our dependence on foreign oil. But more domestic supply alone cannot solve the problem. The United States uses about a quarter of the world’s oil, but only controls 2 to 3 percent of the Earth’s known petroleum reserves, and we cannot drill enough at home to bridge that gap.

If we want to build a stronger economy and a stronger nation, we need a comprehensive, “made in America” approach. That means everything from domestic oil and natural gas, to nuclear power, bio-fuels, wind, geothermal, and solar. We need to support home grown energy that will not run out, and that puts Americans to work while returning dollars to our own economy. We can make a change today, here in Indiana as well as at the state level around the country.

Nowhere is this issue more front-and-center right now than in Indiana. We support efficiency and homegrown energy sources that would keep Hoosiers’ dollars here in Indiana. Indiana’s utilities are interested in keeping us reliant on traditional fuel sources that hurt our national security and weaken our economy. We must allow homes, businesses, public organizations, and churches to create local, American power by installing solar.

As conservatives, we stand up for our country’s national security and the health of our economy. And, as Christians, we recognize the biblical mandate to care for God’s creation and protect our children’s future.

We join a multitude of American and Hoosier voices raised in support of efficiency and next-generation energy sources including solar energy. Veterans and national security groups, business organizations, public health groups, and churches—all understand the importance of what is at stake.

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