McSally told the Wall Street Journal she didn’t reveal her allegations of sexual abuse to friends or family for about a decade
By Brahm Resnik | 12 News
Back in April, well before the onset of the scorched-earth U.S. Senate campaign Arizona voters are witnessing today, Republican Congresswoman Martha McSally revealed in a Wall Street Journalinterview that she had been sexually abused by her high school track coach when she was 17.
McSally, who is now 52, told theJournal:
“It took a while for me to come to a place where I understood what the hell I had been through. At the time, I was so afraid. I now understand—like many girls and boys who are abused by people in authority over them—there’s a lot of fear and manipulation and shame.”
McSally’s story caused a ripple when it was published. But it resonates today, as the U.S. Senate’s Judiciary Committee prepares this week to take up sexual assault allegations by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.