Public-Private Partnership hoped to bring lodging, dining, retail to tournament sports site
Real Estate Daily News
As construction of 20 pickleball courts and 12 professional quality multiuse fields progresses at the 170-acre Kino South Sports & Entertainment Complex, at Benson Highway and Kino Parkway, the County Feb. 1 asked for statements of interest from the nation’s development community to build lodging, dining, retail and sports entertainment facilities on more than 20 acres of the complex.
The existing Kino Sports Complex currently attracts an estimated 275,000 people a year to sporting events, concerts, and community fairs and carnivals. It also hosts every February one of the largest gems shows as part of the massive, citywide, multi-show Tucson Gem and Mineral Show. As many as 10,000 people a day attend the Kino gem show over the course of the two-week show.
Interest in the expansion south of the freeway has spread around the country with youth sports and college sports leagues already lining up to book the new fields once completed early next year.