(Editor’s note: News releases are published as submitted unless there are errors of fact.)
Town of Queen Creek
At the Nov. 20 meeting, the Queen Creek Town Council approved updated impact fees. The approved impact fees will be effective Monday, Feb. 10, 2020. Earlier this year, the Council approved lowering the water and wastewater capacity fees. The lower capacity fees were effective July 1, 2019.
Impact and capacity fees are one-time fees assessed to new development to pay for the new growth’s proportionate share of necessary public services. The Town of Queen Creek assesses six impact fees and two capacity fees. There are both residential and non-residential fees. The combined updates to the impact and capacity fees result in a net reduction of residential fees and an increase in non-residential fees.
“The approval of updated impact and capacity fees has included a series of public meetings, the creation of a focus group and extensive research,” stated Vice Mayor Robin Benning. “The fees help ensure growth is paying for its proportionate share of infrastructure so we can continue to provide a high quality of life in Queen Creek. We appreciate the time and feedback received from the focus group and all of the work that went into preparing an equitable fee.”
The updated fees are based on 10-year growth projections. In order to maintain the Town’s level of service, $442.9 million of new infrastructure is needed. The non-growth portion is $209.9 million (47%) with growth’s portion at $233 million (53%). In 10 years, a substantial portion of the Town’s infrastructure will be complete.
Additional factors that affect the fees beyond population projections and a comprehensive project list include the Town’s reduction and refinancing of debt, reconciling individual fee cash balances, updated and adopted master plans, and aligned land uses with infrastructure needs.
Updating the fees to reflect current conditions is just one example of how the Town continues to evaluate business and development processes in Queen Creek. The Town recently launched the final implementation of electronic plan submittal and review. The Town’s Development Nexus helps streamline the application and review process, improving the customer experience while also increasing efficiencies.
To view the impact fee report, visit QueenCreek.org/ImpactFee. For more information about the Town, visit QueenCreek.org. To stay updated on events and activities in the community, follow the Town on Facebook.com/QueenCreek or Twitter.com/TownofQC.
Media Contact:
Constance Halonen-Wilson, Public Information Officer