(Editor’s note: Opinion pieces are published for discussion purposes only.)
Opinion: These companies create wealth while investing in cutting-edge water management technology. How is that not a good thing for Arizona?
By Philip Bashaw, opinion contributor | azcentral
I was struck with a bitter sense of irony as I read The Arizona Republic’s Dec. 6 article, “These 7 industrial farm operations are draining Arizona’s aquifers, and no one knows exactly how much they’re taking.”
For the last several months, we have seen a steady stream of articles lauding business and economic growth in our great state. We celebrate families moving here, California businesses relocating here, and new factories opening and providing jobs across Arizona.
And, against the backdrop of the ongoing trade disputes, we have discussed the importance of free trade and the economic benefits that come from the ability to export Arizona’s goods without barriers.
Farming creates jobs, revenue for state
But in this article, companies who are coming to Arizona, investing in infrastructure, providing jobs and participating in the very international trade that creates wealth are portrayed not as engines of growth and progress, but as pirates coming to steal our natural resources.