Disclosure: Rose Law Group represents Spring Creek Development
By Mike Norton, Scottsdale resident | Scottsdale Independent
(Editor’s note: Opinion pieces are published for discussion purposes only)
Set aside for the moment the question of whether you believe SouthBridge Two is a thing of beauty or an assault on historic Old Town.
Instead let’s critique the current integrity levels of those governing or wishing to govern Scottsdale.
Phillips and Littlefield would like us to rally behind them to “Save Old Town,” but from whom? The reality of this mess is that Littlefield and Phillips want us to rally to save Old Town from Littlefield and Phillips.
It’s really hard to buy in to their seemingly feigned outrage when you consider that they helped launch SB2. Starting a fire so you can put out a fire just to gain attention is the wrong way to run a city. Creating a crisis so you can solve it during an election year is even worse.