Lay of the land: Fight for the reins of The West’s Most Western Town

By Terrance Thornton | Daily Independent

The race is set for Scottsdale mayor at the August primary election as potential figureheads begin to sharpen their political spurs in pursuit of the proverbial reins of The West’s Most Western Town.

Five candidates have emerged, the Scottsdale City Clerk’s office reports. They are:

  • Incumbents Suzanne Klapp and Virginia Korte.
  • Challengers: Lisa Borowsky, Bob Littlefield and David Ortega.

Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane is leaving office due to term limits having served the municipality as an elected leader the past 12 years.

The City of Scottsdale hosts a primary election Tuesday, Aug. 4 meanwhile a general election looms if needed, which would be Tuesday, Nov. 3. To be elected at the primary election, a candidate must receive a majority of all of the legal votes cast.


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