Construction jobs roller coaster in Arizona, New York, California and other states

By Mike Sunnucks | Rose Law Group Reporter

Construction employment grew slightly in Arizona in May and bounced more significantly back in California, New York, Pennsylvania, and other states which shutdown more of their economies during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

But the same latter group of states are still down significantly in construction employment compared to a year ago.

That is according to new construction job numbers today from the Associated General Contractors.

Arizona added 3,000 construction jobs May (a 1.8 percent gain from April), according to AGC.

There are now 172,400 construction jobs in Arizona up 3,000 jobs from a year ago.

Other states which did not shutdown aggressively or reopened their economies earlier also showed modest gain in construction employment.

Texas added 13,200 jobs (1.8 percent gain) and Florida gained 6,700 construction jobs (1.2 percent gain).

But states that had more aggressive COVID shutdowns, including the closure of construction sites, saw a more robust gain in industry jobs in May as they reopened their economies.

Pennsylvania added 77,400 construction jobs back (up 48.9 percent from April).  California gained 75,000 jobs (up 10 percent). New York gained 57,700 jobs back (up 23.7 percent). 

Washington state added back 47,700 jobs last month (up 33.2 percent), according to AGC.

But several states are still down significantly with construction jobs compared to year ago. New York is down 105,300 construction jobs compared to 12 months ago. California is down 61,300 jobs, Pennsylvania is off by 24,500 jobs and Washington state is down 23,900 jobs in the industry.

South Dakota, which did not shutdown during the pandemic, has seen is construction jobs base grow by 10.3 percent since last year. It is the best performing state, according to AGC.

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