Photo Via AZBigMedia
By AZRE | Via AZBigMedia
SkySong, The ASU Scottsdale Innovation Center is now home to a new and spectacular public art installation.
Sunburst has been installed approximately 20 feet above the ground just outside of SkySong 5, welcoming visitors to the project entering from Scottsdale Road onto SkySong Boulevard. The steel and glass structure is suspended in the air with cables, and is constructed from stainless steel and laminated glass.
According to the artists, Shane Allbritton and Norman Lee of RE:site, “we took inspiration from the spherical astrolabe, an astronomical computer used throughout history for navigation and predicting the positions of the Sun and stars. Sunburst, reinterprets the rings of an astrolabe as sunburst diagrams, a type of data visualization used in diverse fields to show meaningful relationships in complex data.”