(Disclosure: Rose Law Group represents Francisco Grande Hotel and Golf Resort.)
By Pinal Central
The Casa Grande Board of Adjustment delayed deciding on an appeal against construction of a large immigration detention center on the west side before a packed chamber amid complaints that some information was withheld.
Texas-based Target Logistics Management LLC is requesting that a major site plan be considered to build an “influx care facility” dubbed Buckthorne, which aims to house some 1,500 unaccompanied minors who crossed into the U.S. and are seeking asylum.
On Oct. 9, Rose Law Group filed an appeal of the city’s administrative decision classifying the Buckthorne facility as “essential public service use,” which would be permissible under current zoning. Six days later on Oct. 15, city Planning and Development Director Paul Tice rejected the appeal on the grounds of being “non-perfected due to the fact that it was not timely filed and that the appellant was not aggrieved by the administrative decision.”
Tice told the packed meeting that he left out email correspondence in a staff report between the city and the Rose Law Group because he did not see the relevance.
In his opening remarks to the board, Rose Law Group attorney Henry Hardy, representing Francisco Grande Hotel & Golf Resort, requested that the matter be continued until the next board meeting in January.
The 80-acre facility would be at Gila Bend Highway and Ethington Road.
“The application and the packet that was circulated to the public as well as that was provided to the board members tonight does not have some of the exhibits and some of the evidence we would like considered,” Hardy said. “Those exhibits were submitted with the initial application through the application process. You did not see those exhibits, you didn’t see that evidence and neither did the public, just because it didn’t make it into the packet even though it was initially submitted with that application.”