Rural/Metro Fire provides services outside city limits, in San Tan Valley

Queen Creek/San Tan Valley Independent

The Rural/Metro Fire Department, a private company that provides communities with dedicated professional firefighters to respond to each emergency within its coverage areas, shows its necessity for unincorporated areas through each 9-1-1 call, said Capt. John L. Crismon of RMFD fire station 842.

“A specific example of such comes to mind and was a call that I was first on scene of. Approximately two years ago a 3-year- old boy found a gun within a home and accidentally shot himself in the head.

The boy was hanging on to life when I arrived. Through the quick response and the tremendous efforts of those RMFD personnel on scene, the boy survived his injury,” said Capt. Crismon. “Had it not been for RMFD, the boy and others like him may not have outcomes as promising… This is just one example. There are many like it.”


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