[COLUMN] Burning tax dollars to send pot initiative up in smoke

Screen Shot 2015-05-07 at 5.37.18 AMBy EJ Montini | The Republic | azcentral.com

(Editor’s note: Opinion pieces are published for discussions purposes only.)

Arizona laws says, essentially, an elected politician can’t overtly try to sway an election while on taxpayer time and on the taxpayer’s dime.

Sort of the way that you or I would get fired — justifiably — if we told our bosses we’d be out of the office a few hours handing out pamphlets for a politician or a political cause.

Elected officials get paid to work for the people, not to push personal agendas.

Unless, apparently, they’re afraid their side might lose.

According to an article by Howard Fischer of Capitol Media Services, Attorney General Mark Brnovich now says it’s okay for public officials to participate in “public education campaigns” for a particular cause as long as they don’t come right out and tell you how to vote.


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