By Scott Orr | The Daily Courier
From the start of Tuesday’s budget session of the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors, it was clear that it would be a contentious meeting.
Supervisor Craig Brown ex-pressed frustration with the entire way the budget was created.
“This process is broken,” he said, to a meeting room full of county department heads. “We have no idea what we’re looking at.”
The board, he continued, is left to rely on “the goodwill of the people who work for us. I trust in that; I have to. But there are a lot of questions here and not many answers.”
The board grilled several department heads about their numbers. Coming in for the harshest scrutiny was the assessor, whose budget listed $42,000 for travel expenses, among other things. Chief Deputy Assessor Ron Gibbs told the board that only $19,300 was for travel directly related to licensing requirements.