By Linda Bentley | Sonoran News
During Monday night’s meeting, Town Manager Carrie Dyrek announced an RFP (request for proposals) had been issued for new bleachers for the rodeo grounds to replace the old ones that have been deemed unsafe.
Dyrek also said the town is seeking volunteers for the upcoming Taste of Cave Creek event on Oct 18 and 19. Those wishing to volunteer should contact Volunteer Coordinator Pat Bell-Demers from the Sonoran Arts League at 480-575-6624 or stop by the Sonoran Arts League’s office in Stagecoach Village.
The first item on the agenda was a general plan amendment application for Tasso and Sheree Koken for a land use change from medium density residential to Desert Rural for their 5.83-acre parcel.
According to the Kokens, when they purchased their property they were unaware ranch uses were prohibited on their residentially zoned property and set up a farm where they raise organic food comprised of gardens and approximately 65 animals, including cattle, chickens and turkeys.