55 Places
55places.com is proud to announce its list of the 55 Best 55+ Communities in the United States for 2018.
For the fifth consecutive year, the 55places.com team carefully chose each active adult community on this list based on research, internal data, feedback, and personal experiences. While we understand everyone has a different interpretation of what’s considered the “best,” we looked at each community’s location, residential types, amenities, price range, and lifestyle opportunities in order to arrive at our own conclusions based on our well-informed criteria and expert analysis. You can learn more about our methodology here.
Longtime readers will recognize some familiar communities on the list while also noticing some newcomers shooting up the charts to challenge the age-restricted royalty. More and more active adult communities are upping the ante when it comes to swanky clubhouses, breadth of amenities, amazing lifestyle opportunities, and stunning home designs. We wanted to reward those who go above and beyond for their residents in different ways.