Both Sinema and McSally rank among the bottom of Roll Call’s Wealth of Congress
By Katherine Tully-McManus | Roll Call
Arizona’s first woman Senator won’t have much in the bank, regardless of whom voters choose Tuesday. Republican Martha McSally and Democrat Kyrsten Sinema both rank toward the bottom of Roll Call’s Wealth of Congress index, both lacking the big bucks common among many of their Capitol Hill colleagues.
Both Arizonans had already served the public in some way before running for public office. McSally served decades in the Air Force and Sinema was a social worker and lawyer for a public school district. Neither got rich.
Sinema reported zero assets in her most recent financial disclosure filing and her student loan debt puts her net worth in negative figures. She lists between $15,001 and $50,000 in student loan debt, but does not report having a mortgage or car payment in her filing.
Sinema’s education — a law degree and a Ph.D. — racked up most of her debt, and she didn’t chase big paychecks with her diplomas. Careers in social work and political organizing predate her time in Congress. She also served as a criminal defense attorney for a time and taught classes at Arizona State while pursuing the Ph.D.
McSally’s net worth is approximately $100,000, according to financial disclosures used for the most recent Wealth of Congress.