By Adrienne St. Clair for Arizona Builder’s Exchange
The City of Chandler Planning Commission approved a development plan this week from Global Senior Housing, with Cadence Senior Living, to build a new senior living center at the NWC of Arizona Avenue and Queen Creek Road.
The 7.49-acre property currently sits vacant. It’s surrounded by single-family residential homes to the north, residential condos to the west and two streets to the east and south. According to city documents, the surrounding area was zoned for Community Commercial uses back in 1997 and then expanded to include more property, like the site in question, in 2004. There is no need for a change in zoning because “assist [sic] living facilities although residential in nature are considered a commercial use,” states the city approval.
The city approved the developer’s request to amend an earlier development plan to build a large shopping center to allow for the senior living center. There are plans to build a CVS on the corner of the previous shopping center lot and inline shops to the west of it.