By Paul Maryniak | Ahwatukee Foothills News
With Club West homeowners slated to hear tomorrow, Jan. 16, a plan to radically change the golf course, a new study indicates they stand to lose an average $60,000 in home value if the site remains closed for the next five years.
“There could be an ‘opportunity cost’ to Club West homeowners of about 15 percent over the next five years following the closure of the golf course,” says a study by Kevin Curran, a Club West resident since 2012 and a retired CEO of Fisher Price, a manufacturer of educational toys. “On an average home in Club West – $410,000 value per Zillow – this ‘opportunity cost’ to each homeowner could be about $60,000 over the next five years.”
An opportunity cost in Club West’s case is the loss of increased home value that would be incurred if the 18-hole course was up and running.