(Disclosure: Rose Law Group represents televëda.)
By Brittni Thomason | 3TV AZFamily
SCOTTSDALE, AZ (3TV/CBS 5) – The kids have video games. Parents have Facebook, and, now, technology has a place for grandma and grandpa. More older adults are signing up for televëda, an online platform designed just for seniors.
“It’s a virtual recreation center for older adults where they get together, and they can join a class and also meet their friends and communicate with each other,” said Shruti Gurudanti, CEO and co-founder of televëda.
She launched the site in 2018 with her husband, Mayank Mishra.

“I saw my own grandparents suffer from not being able to leave their own home and be in a situation where my grandfather’s entirety was looking at a TV and yelling at the reporter, and that is heartbreaking,” said Gurudanti.
She said televëda gives seniors the chance to make relationships through online video classes. It looks a lot like ZOOM with an instructor and the ability to play games.