Pinal Partnership Announces New President/CEO

Current Pinal Partnership President, CEO Harold Christ announces he’s stepping down.

By Rose Law Group Reporter

At their March 19, 2021 monthly event featuring a panel discussion, the Pinal Partnership Board of Directors announced former Pinal County Supervisor Anthony Smith will be their next President and CEO succeeding Harold Christ in that position. Anthony Smith is joining the Partnership’s Executive Director Melissa Johnson in marketing the county and its communities, and growing the organization.

Pinal Partnership was formed in 2005 as a membership based non-profit with a mission to improve research, planning and coordination of private and public efforts related to infrastructure, natural resources and community development in Pinal County.

Reflecting on the new appointment, Anthony Smith said, “Pinal County has risen to be on the forefront of new growth and development within Arizona. Using our collective resources, I’m confident we will overcome our current challenges to achieve an exciting new future. I am honored to be selected for this important position and will give Pinal Partnership my best efforts.”

Harold Christ, the owner of the Windmill Winery in Florence, and who will transition to the Partnership’s Executive Committee, said, “Anthony Smith, as a former mayor and county supervisor brings to Pinal Partnership his wealth of knowledge of the county and his strategic planning skills to help Pinal Partnership bring together all the people and ideas that will ultimately lead Pinal County to reach its full potential.”

About Pinal Partnership: In addition to monthly breakfasts about timely topics, the Partnership brings together stakeholders to advocate for efforts such as the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) highway improvements designated by the Governments of Pinal County and Pinal County’s Cities and Towns. Active Pinal Partnership committees that support issues facing Pinal County are: Business & Education; Open Space & Trails; Health & Human Services; Government Relations; Economic Development; Renewable Energy; Transportation & Infrastructure and Water Resources. Learn more:

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