Pinal Partnership Recap: Road tax back on ballot? Rose Law Group Founder and President Jordan Rose moderates discussion

By Jodie Newell | Maricopa Monitor

CASA GRANDE — A panel discussion held at Friday’s Pinal Partnership breakfast has revealed that the road tax struck down by the Arizona Supreme Court last month may return on the Nov. 8 ballot.

Pinal County Attorney Kent Volkmer said it is logistically possible for the road tax to appear on the upcoming election ballot with the wording about the tax to be more specific.

“The RTA (Regional Transportation Authority) has the ability to have their board convene and they can issue a resolution to our county board to put the tax back on the ballot,” Volkmer said. “Can it be on this upcoming ballot? It can be. We’ve got to move pretty quickly. A lot of things have to happen such as providing a pamphlet that has specific information regarding the tax. It isn’t just a simple case of saying ‘We are going to have a tax.’”


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