Gilbert embracing AI with organizational initiative; Paul Coble, IP and AI attorney at Rose Law Group, speaks to capabilities of advanced technology

Photo courtesy Town of Gilbert

By Tom Blodgett | YourValley

If you have played a sport at one of Gilbert’s parks, you might thank Bert and Ernie for the lined fields. 

Parks workers will rave about the duo. They’re fast, efficient, line the fields perfectly each time and never give their coworkers grief. 

“That used to take two people a little over an hour to paint the field because you have to line it out, you have to do the paint lines, you have to measure it,” Gilbert Parks and Recreation Director Robert Carmona said. “It’s a pretty extensive process.” 

But either Bert or Ernie, working alone, can do it in 20 minutes, freeing up other workers to do things like field repair or sprinklers maintenance.


“’AI’ means a lot more than chatbots and image generators.  This is a great example of how AI can take over the most tedious tasks and free up workers to focus on more complex problems.  AI is best deployed to augment worker capabilities, make the workforce more efficient but not necessarily smaller.” – Paul Coble, Rose Law Group Chair of IP and AI Dept. 

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