[VIDEO] Florence candidate forum

Independent Newsmedia | Florence Independent

Four seats on the Florence Town Council are up for grabs, with plenty of candidates for residents to choose from.

Mayor Tara Walter is running for re-election, as is Councilwoman Kristen Larsen. However, Bill Hawkins died in March while still a coucilman, and Councilwoman Karen Wall is not re-running. That means two or three new council members could take office.

Gary Pranzo and Kyle A. Larsen are running against Ms. Walter in the mayoral race.

Throwing their names in the hat for a council member spot are:

  • John K. Johnston
  • Johnie F. Mendoza
  • Gary Mittendorf
  • Arthur Neal
  • Jeff Reel
  • Bill Tanner
  • Vallarie Woolridge


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