By Jim Headley | InMaricopa
Drought and global warming are combining to turn Arizona’s dream into a mid-summer nightmare.
According to many climatologists, Arizona is in the worst drought in more than 1,000 years, based on tree-ring studies. Maricopa City Councilman Marvin L. Brown said the state is already into a severe water crisis.
Brown serves on the Pinal County Water Augmentation Authority, which has a presence in and provides input on state and regional water issues. Representatives from cities in Pinal County sit on the board.
“Even with Global Water’s very sophisticated process of cleansing, I give Arizona 30 years, if that long,” Brown said. “I don’t even think it will be that long. Lake Mead seriously is distressed. We are not getting the snowfall that we’re used to getting. We’re not getting the rain. I don’t think I’m being pessimistic, I am being realistic.”